
"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Good morning day, sorry I'm not there
But all my favorite friends vanished in the air
It's hard to fly when you can't even run
Once I had the world, but now I've got no one


- Drown, Three Days Grace


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Новый альбом Disturbed - ацтой :\


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
A Beautiful Moment by ~ElephantsElephants on deviantART

"You're beautiful."

"You're blind."

"You're stunning."

"You're lying."

"You're my everything."

"You're stupid."

"You're amazing."

No response.

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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.

в избранное, однозначно.

"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
5 часов невероятно крутого фильма про нифига не летающих китайцев. Я в восторге *_* Давно не видела в кине настолько харизматического второстепенного героя.
Пойду досмотрю. =D


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


@темы: Lyrics


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
А вообще, я научилась делать роллы. Ачивка. Оказалось, что все очень легко. И нормальные и обратные получаются на ура. Кому бы теперь их скармливать...


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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
The illusion was created by web designer Nobuyuki Kayahara and the question is "Which direction is the dancer spinning?" That is, is the dancer is spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise?

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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Смотришь на проект и думаешь, а нафига его делать и реализовывать? Ради кого? Трололо? Ну наф, лучше пойду умные книжки читать.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Отлично погуляли вчера ^-^ Не смотря на отвратительную погоду, просто все супер. Даже то, что до метро пришлось добираться почти плывя, отошло на задний план. Надо больше гулять с классными людьми, однозначно.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
30.03.2011 в 17:06
Пишет  Turgor:

30.03.2011 в 16:54
Пишет  Н.Феник:

30.03.2011 в 13:45
Пишет  Чудофреник:

30.03.2011 в 11:04
Пишет  Леди Лайя:

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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
чем дальше в "сталкере", тем сильнее расстраиваюсь.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.

дадададададада! гениальные идеи! *суммонит* о великий скилл рисовалки, посети меня завтра утром и не дай уснуть! и да найдутся нужные референсы, и да не убьет меня Исс.



"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Markus Waibel from robotspodcast pointed us to this amazing video showing two quadcopters juggling a small ball. The video is made by the Control of Distributed, Autonomous Systems lab of professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Raffaello D'Andrea. It is shot inside the Flying Machine Arena, a facility that provides a control environment for motion control research. The two quadcopters are based on the 'Hummingbird' quadrotor made by Ascending Technologies with new controls and custom made electronics fabricated by the institute. A vital component is a state of the art Vicon motion capture system that provides the localization data to the robots and makes extremely precise and dynamic control possible.

"Сначала они играют в мячики а потом от них придется отбиваться гвоздодером." - с Хабра