
"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Sometimes, my favorite pictures from space are among the ones that look least interesting… until you understand what you’re seeing.

For example, this doesn’t look like much, does it?

Ah, but that picture shows so, so much. It shows everything!

That’s us. You, me, everyone. That fuzzy blob on the left? That’s Earth. The one on the right: the Moon.

In this one simple picture, you can see everywhere humans have ever been; hundreds of thousands of years spent on Earth, and a few brief days on the Moon. And this picture was taken from much farther than anyone has ever traveled.

This view of our home worlds was seen by Juno, a spacecraft launched on August 5. By August 26th, when it took this snapshot, it was already nearly 10 million kilometers (6 million miles) away. And yet this is merely a baby step compared to its total journey: it will take a long, sweeping path to Jupiter, traveling nearly 3 billion kilometers before arriving at its destination.

Take another look at that picture. See how close together they look? It took humans more than three days to bridge that gulf from one of those clumps of pixels to the other.

Pictures like this are important. They remind us that of where we really are, how much we’ve achieved, how far we have to go. And that our planet really is just a pale blue dot, swimming in a vast, empty black ocean.




"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Вчера ходила туда-сюда мимо офиса втб. Интересно, к чему бы это D: Топографический кретинизм неизлечим, вот к чему! А вообще сумасшедшая неделя. Крайне продуктивная, если закрыть глаза на ее добрую половину. Понедельник сущий ад. Надо бы поломать традиции.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Мы так устали делать шаги навстречу друг другу.
Но когда на телефоне высветится твое имя, я обязательно скажу "я хочу быть рядом".


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
"Пики на 6-й и 2-й шкалах отражают склонность к возникновению аффективно насыщенных бредоподобных идей у исходно субдепрессивных личностей и наличие тоскливо-злобного построения."

тоскливо-злобное построение D:


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
никому не нужны морские ракушки в огромнейшем количестве? и мне не нужны. а куда деть не знаю.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another which states that this has already happend.

The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy

@темы: quote


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Когда самолет приземлился, поняла, что хочу назад.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.

"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
я не играла, но я ждала этого видео))


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
фсе. в жопу универ. наконец-то!
в жопу дайрики! твиттер круче!
нафиг тех, кто тебя бесит! йай!
в жопу то, что не приносит радости!
в жопу книжки, которые не хочется читать! (дада, Пратчетт, это я про тебя!)

фпиред смотреть трасформеров, крутить суши и мыть посуду! больше никаких "ну я посижу до 4х, госы ведь"!


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Many otherwise articulate people seem to have great difficulty in spitting these words out. They hem and haw. They stutter. They may get something close out, but they have a hard time slowly and deliberately saying these ten simple words.But each one of these ten words are important.

I’m sorry.” Empathy is the ability to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and feel what they feel. This is something we desperately need to develop. But it takes humility.

Too often, we are preoccupied with our own feelings. However, empathy is the recognition that it’s not all about us. Other people matter. They have feelings, too, and those feelings are important

By saying we are sorry—sincerely and with authentic humility—we validate them as human beings. We are essentially saying, “I know you are hurt, and I understand. Your feelings are valid, and I am sorry that I am the cause of them. I’m not sorry because I got caught or because you called me out. I’m sorry because of the hurt that I caused you.”

I was wrong.” This the most difficult sentence of all. Perhaps we live with the mistaken notion that we never do anything wrong. Or perhaps we just think the other person should “give us a pass” because somehow we deserve it. But the truth is, we all make mistakes. If we are not guilty of sins of commission (i.e., deliberately doing something that offends others), we are guilty of sins of omission (i.e., failing to live up to others expectations).

One of the great things about being a Christian is that I have been released from the need to pretend I am perfect. No, I am a sinner, and I need forgiveness—from God and from the people I offend.

Will you please forgive me?” This is one of the most powerful sentences we can ever utter. By asking this as a question, we acknowledge that forgiveness is not an entitlement. We don’t deserve forgiveness; we are asking for it as an act of mercy.

This also acknowledges that it is a choice on the part of the other person. They may withhold their forgiveness. Perhaps they are not ready to make up. They may need some space. But, in my experience, almost always the other person says, “I forgive you.” With this simple sentence, both of us are healed.

We may be tempted to take shortcuts. We could simply say, “I apologize” or “Sorry.” But nothing is quite as effective as saying all ten words. It may seem awkward or artificial at first, but with practice it gets easier. And if you are like me, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice.

- стащено.

@темы: quote


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Like I care about...Sure thing I care. Даже если не показываю этого. Просто надоело уже ссориться. Надоело и все. Сорвали злость, молодцы. Теперь ни нарадуемся, наверное. =\


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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
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"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Блин, сердце разрывается от истории с этим котенком, которого чуть машина не задавила...Столько людей мимо проходят и даже не смотрят в его сторону. Ппц...А я взять не могу, своих двое(( Не знаю, что делать...


Доступ к записи ограничен

"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
"Dying Young" - прекрасный фильм((



"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.
"Падал прошлогодний снег" - обожаю этот мульт)) Вообще надо бы составить список мультов/фильмов и засесть с кем-нибудь на ночь.


"The barriers between us have fallen and we have become - our own shadows" Helios, Deus Ex.