Urban Dictionary
"- The reason modern music is dead. "
"- A deadly and evil entity capable of emitting powerful waves of superficiality that can reduce a teenager's brain mass into excrement in mere seconds. Disguises nefarious intentions of gaining wealth from the idiotic with incessant marketing/brainwashing. Research has shown that 98 percent of MTV's audience exhibit an IQ below that of a rotting corpse. Experts recommend immediate evasion of anything affiliated with MTV, including its viewers."
"- ...An online game that is very similar to windows 95 with ICQ and a fantasy background. Double-click everywhere to kill an endless stream of monsters in a fantasy world and gain new powers. Do this for hours on end while chatting with someone named "Drizzt23" or "MikethePike"..."
"- Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter."